Dear friends, thanks for all your prayers and support over the last few months. It truly has been felt and greatly appreciated. And your kind words of encouragement throughout this season have buoyed us in some tough times. God is indeed faithful and we stand amazed at His provision, His vision, His timing and His great care for His kids.

I wanted to bring you up-to-date and give you more ammo for your prayers. Of course, we have had two incredible seminars with many people powerful impacted by the spirit of God at these churches (Columbia Heights Assembly in Longview, WA and City Harvest Church in Vancouver, WA). We have two more in April: Aberdeen, WA and City Church in Kirkland, where we should have an explosive prophetic time with talented, young and eager musicians, singers and interns there; and now a new seminar in May with Iglesia Renuevo in Gresham with Pastor Edgar Nunez. see our schedule!

Some more interesting developments:
1- Integrity Music has asked me to join their teaching staff for Worship Workshops in the fall of 2007. It entails teaching workshops on 3 Saturdays sometime in October-November somewhere around the US. It looks very do-able and I am excited to rub shoulders with these guys around the nation.
2- Kamchatka finally emailed me today about coming anytime. I am working on a date. Anybody want to go to Russia? They have about 12 feet of snow on the ground right now!
3- I was asked recently about the possibility of doing a prophetic worship seminar in Singapore this fall.
4- We are pursuing possibilities of conferences in Japan.
5- A pastor friend asked about coming to his church in Florida and maybe going onto Puerto Rico for a worship conference there; and also he said we would be perfect for a ‘small’ church in Bolivia (20,000) that has incredible musicians but need help in flowing in prophetic worship.

As you can see, we are not lacking in opportunities, we just need wisdom, timing and finances.

 Ps.37:23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.

So, please pray in every regard.

  • -financial provision to the extent that no opportunity would be turned down due to lack of funds.
  • -wisdom in coordinating our scheduling, especially this fall.
  • -healing for Maryl who is still struggling greatly with the sciatica (I need her to travel with me and this would be detrimental to that)
  • -financial provision to reprint my piano book (down to 2) and the re-release of ‘Let the Warriors Arise’ CD (we are down to about 10 cds!)
  • -continued prophetic inspiration as I study and write for the seminars and my new book.

I am sure there is more, but I will stop now. If you get any words, scriptures, thoughts for us over the next few days, please feel free to share it with us immediately.

And be sure to check out this website for our schedule, many updates and product (we are on Itunes with many of our songs now!).

Thank you for your continued friendships and love. You are the best.

In Him,
Tim and Maryl

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