The International Worship Institute in Dallas, TX was excellent from beginning to end. 600 people from all over the world showed up for a powerful time of honesty, simplicity, brokenness, and humility. It was wonderful to see so many great ministries flowing together in humility, getting on their faces, resisting the ‘old ways’ of working the crowd, etc. With the theme of ‘Embracing His Presence’, Pastor John Stephenson challenged us all with a word to ‘die’ in our worship. Pastor Jack Hayford was exceptional with a seasoned word to the worship ‘movement’ of laying down man’s ways and embracing Him in worship. Bob Sorge was amazing on ‘loyalty’ and what loyalty isn’t!

Ross Parsley wept openly as he walked us through his journey (Ted Haggard’s music guy) and the healing in the valley (ps.84). Steve Fry and Howard Rachinski spoke prophetically and with great insight to the conference. It all ended with an extended time of prophetic worship with Robert Stearns, powerfully calling us back to His presence. One incredible moment of God’s grace was when Morris Chapman was leading worship with Antonia Lawrence, people from all over the sanctuary spontaneously started to place money on the platform in front of her (she had shared that her house was in foreclosure due to overwhelming medical bills for her husband, David). Antonia ended up weeping on Morris’ shoulders as the pile grew and grew. True worship, undefiled.

We are so encouraged that God is moving in good men and women around the world to stay humble and quiet before Him and allow Him to lead the way in worship. We feel so much more connected and uplifted and hopeful for the church. I taught my six classes (two classes: Leading Worship and The Worship Team in the Flow – taught three times each) and felt a strong anointing throughout, especially the second day. Two ladies actually took my class twice (though they had over 30 other classes to choose from!). Talked to quite a few people about Worship Without Borders (everybody loves the title) and hope to help many churches represented at the conference. In fact, we talked to a wonderful group from New Orleans about maybe coming down there to help out and see what God does in worship.

Maryl and I got to pray for quite a few people at our booth and after classes throughout the week. We sensed God’s anointing so strong all week long and we are greatly encouraged for what God is doing in worship around the world. This conference was a great confirmation of His mighty hand upon His servants of worship. We want to thank the International Worship Institute for inviting us to stand alongside them during this crucial time in their history as well as the future of worship in the church. This week, we embraced God, and He confirmed His presence powerfully.

Once again, thank you all for your prayers and support over the last couple of years. We are announcing a big transition coming up sometime later this year as God directs. We will be moving WWOB to Seattle to be with my brother, Pastor Wendell Smith at City Church. This is a great season for us and City Church and know His hand is leading us in this transition. Please pray for good timing and good decisions, timely finances, continued monthly seminars, open doors into more nations in 2008 and 2009.

Coming up is Calgary, July 17-20, then Detroit, MI and Bozeman, MT in October and on to Australia and possibly Malaysia in November. We hope to return to Puebla, Mexico in February 2009 for an extended stay and overhaul of their worship ministry. Also, we are excited to join our friends in India in July of 2009! God is good!

God bless you richly in His wonderful presence full of grace,

Your Worship Missionaries,
Tim and Maryl Smith

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