This has been an incredible season for Maryl and I at Worship Without Borders. Be sure to look around on our website for all the wonderful things we have been involved in recently. We have been honored to teach and minister on worship in churches around the world. We continue to see great outpourings of the Holy Spirit, with many coming to Christ and some amazing times of release and freedom in worship from Michigan to Montana, Mexico, Florida and locally.
In June, we are joining Pastor Steve Boyce and Worship Pastor Leroix Hampton at New Life Worship Center in Rhode Island for their New England Unity in Worship Conference. This will be our first conference in New England and we are very excited to see what God does there. We are also reconnecting there with our new friends in ministry, Pastor Marion Overall and Pastor Portia Sumner from Shiloh Christian Center in Oakland, CA (amazing ministries!) [Announcement: due to unforeseen circumstances, this conference has been postponed till later this year. More on this later.]
In August we are returning to India for a regional Worship Conference at Coimbatore, India (southern India) with Pastor David Prakasam at Bethel City Cathedral. We will also minister at their Bible College, Children’s Home and outreach churches. Pastor David is a great man of God with a big vision for impacting the Indian culture through the widows and orphans, the lepers, and the many poor and needy throughout India. We are honored to go and serve with him in August. Please pray for our safety, health, finances and anointing as we give ourselves to this great nation.
We are starting to raise funds for this missions trip since we are taking a small team with us and we also want to take in instruments and equipment as we have done so many times before. At this time our budget is around $11,000. Please pray and consider investing in worship in India with a donation of $20, $50 or $100. Donation for India I know these are difficult times financially for most us, but what better time to invest in the Kingdom, His purposes and His presence, especially in places that are less fortunate and hungering and thirsting for Jesus?
We continue to see worship explode around the world and desire to do our part to fan the flame. Thank you for your ongoing prayer covering, friendship and support during this exciting season of ministry.
Always in Him,
Dr. Tim and Maryl, Your Worship Missionaries