Worship Without Borders is asking all our fellow-worshipers to join us in prayer for these critical areas in our lives.
1 – Pastor Wendell Smith – Pastor Wendell is Tim’s brother and has been facing a serious cancer diagnosis in his body for over five years now. Through faith, wisdom and treatment he has outlasted his doctors’ prognosis. After seeing him last week in Bend, I can confidently report he is looking and sounding better than he has in months. His spirits are up. He is walking with a cane but improving. His voice is strong and his faith is vibrant as ever. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to lift him up in prayer before the throne of the Healer of all our diseases.
2 – Kamchatka Full Gospel Church – Most of you know we have been to this church and school in Kamchatka, Russia 3 times and they are a wonderful spirit-filled group of people who have built this church building and renovated this school campus over the last 10 years against amazing odds. They now stand in jeopardy of losing both unless God supernaturally intervenes. Please pray for favor and grace on a this group who are nothing but faithful, kind, giving and loving people in a difficult area. We do believe that He who has begun a good work in Kamchatka will finish it! Against all odds!
This just in (4/3/10): The church office building has had it’s heat shut off – supposedly they violate some code with the way the boiler is set up. It is still deep winter there. The pressure is mounting on these dear people, please pray for them to have purpose, wisdom and joy as they face this persecution.
Thank you for joining your prayers with ours for these precious people around the world.
in Him,
Tim and Maryl Smith, Your Worship Missionaries