Many people ask about my cello when I pull it out to play. It is such a unique cello and it has a great story behind it that continues to this day. My cello was given to me by a little old violinmaker (Arthur Ross) up in Moscow, Idaho in 1971. He came up to me after a service in the Nazarene church there, and said, “The Lord told me to give you a cello; do you want one?” Well, of course, I gladly received it. I never had my own cello before. However, this one has “been through the war”, literally – a German factory cello circa @1860- and has many old but fixed cracks on it. It’s been mine for 39 years and has played many a symphony and concerto.
On Friday morning of the Come Be With Me Prophetic Worship Conference in July, 2000, after the worship, the cello got tipped over and suffered a nasty crack (18 inches long) on the front. I was generally at peace about it, but was disappointed that I wouldn’t be playing for a while until I could get it fixed. [God has just recently released me on the cello again especially for prophetic worship] That afternoon, an intercessor in our church heard about the crack and felt impressed by God to go to the bank and write up a cashier’s check for $100 for the repairs. As she was explaining it to the teller, the person in line behind her, a complete stranger, was listening and became very interested. This person decided to match what the lady was giving – thus another $100. The third person in line said, ‘Well, I’m a cellist, and I know it will cost more than $200 to fix a cello. It’ll cost at least $500!’ So this stranger threw in $300!
So this $500 cashiers check was presented to me on Friday night at the conference with great celebration in the middle of the service. We cheered and shouted for the miraculous provision of God in His love for us. A couple of friends had already given $200 and another $100 came in the offering. And then a kind, older gentleman came up to me at the end of the service with $300. So, $1100 for my cello’s repair was miraculously provided in one night! [The immediate thought came to my mind: He breaks us before He blesses us]
The first estimate I received for the repairs was between $4000-$5000! Ouch! This was definitely more than the cello was worth (app. $3500 at the time). So I thought, ‘God, did you do all this so I could go into debt?’ The first repair shop felt given the value of the cello, that it really wasn’t worth their time repairing. But they graciously gave me a referral to a wonderful repairman, Ed Geesman, in downtown Portland. This gentleman was able to do the same work and more for half the cost: $2000!
I am thrilled at God’s provision. Ed told me when it was done that the cello would be comparable to a $6000-$10,000 cello in quality! Praise God. Well, you might say, God brought in $1100 and the bill was $2000-where is the other $900? I’m glad you asked. I felt all along that this was God’s miracle, His idea, and He would finish it. Driving home from the repairman after paying him the money up front with a check, I started praying: ‘Lord, You know You started this, and I can probably finish this in my own strength with some juggling of our money, but I would really prefer it to be You putting the capstone on Your project here. How about it?’ I got back to the church and lying in my mailbox was an unexpected check that was written while I was at the shop, for $898.83!!! Praise God! (By the way, for those who care and wonder if God came up $1.17 short here, my mom sent me a check the week before for my birthday for $25. ‘For your cello’ she wrote on it. God more than provides! And His impeccable timing once again amazes me.
So in a month, I had a fixed cello to the glory of God! Also, with extra funds that came in later, I was able to purchase a beautiful pernambuco wood bow for $450 (a great price). Now, it plays better than ever, and I hope to produce a CD with my wife, Maryl, on the flute and me on The Cello. I stand amazed at God’s love for me. But even more, a renewed trust in the provision of a loving God who does great wonders through His people.
For those who would like to hear it, go to my ‘Music’ page on this site. If you would like to see it played, go to my YouTube site (timsongsmith). God is amazing and does great things for those who trust in Him. Trust Him today!
BTW, I don’t take my cello on the plane with me for obvious reasons, so many of the churches in nations where we minister, now borrow or rent a cello for me (Kamchatka, India, Mexico, Canada, Japan, etc.) so I am able to play and minister through the cello around the world! Praise God!
Dr. Tim Smith