This month marks a return to a busy schedule at Worship Without Borders and exciting plans for both this year and next! It has been a thrilling 3 1/2 years ministering around the world and we are looking forward to this fall and beyond. God is leading us into great opportunities and new adventures.
September 16-18 we will be ministering with Mike Herron, Liz Dugger and many other friends and musicians up in Moses Lake, Washington. ‘Heart of the Psalmist’ worship conference is free and open to all worshipers, worship leaders, worship teams, pastors and leaders from all over. Mike will releasing his new book ‘Heart of a Psalmist’ which will be in English and Spanish! Along with great teaching and worship throughout these three days together, Friday night will be a special worship concert featuring music from many different songwriters. Be sure to check it out, especially if you live in central/eastern Washington! For info call toll-free: 1-877-712-9191. See and hear a sample of the Worship Concert with Mike in Salem.
I will be teaching an exciting worship class: Worship: Revealing Jesus! at the new LifeChange Leadership Institute (Pastor Mark Strong) in Portland, Oregon. This Institute has been newly established in conjunction with George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. Many of the classes offered this year will be taught by George Fox U professors and will offer credit toward the GFU program! The classes are offered on Tuesday nights. My worship classes will be September 21-October 19 at LifeChange (3635 North Williams Avenue/Portland, OR 97227-1452) If you are interested you need to signup by September 16 for a year-long program. Be sure to contact LifeChange Christian Center: 503.288-0479
We already have great plans for 2011:
- February 17-20, 2011 Prophetic Worship Conference at Hosanna Palm Beach in West Palm Beach, FL with Pastors Danny and Giselle Bonilla (Mike Herron will be joining us for this!) This regional worship conference is a must for all who love to spend time in worship. See a video of last year’s conference!
- March 3-14, 2011 (tentative) New Delhi, India and the International School of Worship in Lucknow, India. We will be returning to our friends at Assembly of Believers Church and their great school of worship. We hope to be there for their graduation week this year! See a video of one of the Hindi services in Lucknow.
- June or August 2011 (TBD) We return to Uganda after 3 years! We are excited to join Pastor Bob Wagar and Life Church in Kampala, Uganda for a Regional Worship Conference and to get back to the islands of Lake Victoria with our nephew, Brent Earwicker. Brent is doing an amazing work with pastors and leaders in multiple islands out there. Exciting days and we get to join them again.
- November 2011 we return to Bethel City Cathedral in Coimbatore, India with our friends Pastor David and Ketzia Prakasam and their sons John and Terry. We will be having a regional worship conference there too as well as much local ministry. We are excited to be with them! See a great video of some orphans singing and dancing!
Great things are ahead. Thanks for joining us in transforming nations with the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Remember, you can participate in this adventure by a tax-deductible donation on this site.
God bless you in His rich presence today,
Dr. Tim and Maryl Smith, your worship missionaries