I will take back My Harp and My Song and return to my rightful place. I will exercise Extravagant Forgiveness keeping the path of Prophetic Freedom. I will maintain a Posture of Worship when tested as a True Worshiper. I will Awaken My Generation, my City, my Nation with the Song of the Lord. I will Prepare in the Word in order to become fluent in the Language of God. This is my Commission. – From the Spirit of Prophecy Worship Conference in West Palm Beach, FL 2011

Maryl and I returned to West Palm Beach, Florida for the Spirit of Prophecy Worship Conference hosted by Hosanna Palm Beach Church, Pastors Danny and Giselle Bonilla, February 17-20. Attended by over 150 ardent worshipers from many states and nations (Canada, Costa Rica, Peru, Brazil are the ones I remember), this conference was off the hook from day one!

Every day and night, the worship was both unique and powerful with Pastors Danny and Denise Ramos (from Hosanna Palm Beach), Pastors Portia Sumner, Katy Wade and Marion Overall (from Oakland, California) leading the way. Even older songs took on new life as we all gave ourselves to lavish worship in His presence. It was nice for a change to be able to worship for an extended period of time at this conference since Sunday mornings don’t always afford that ‘luxury’.

The dance team, Torre Fuerte, from Puerto Rico (Sonia Viera – director), danced prophetically not only in beautifully choreographed songs but also spontaneously throughout the conference – in fact the last day there was a sort of ‘dance-off’ in the middle with many people interpreting the music with different dance moves one by one. The energy and spirit from this group propelled us on in each and every service.

The opening night, Pastor Danny Bonilla stirred and challenged us all from Psalm 137 – that Babylon is anyplace you don’t belong and the place where you lost your song; anguish will get you to sit down when you should stand up; that it’s time to take back our harp, return to our rightful place and sing the Lord’s song! Powerful night – takin’ it back!

The second day I opened with a session on Forgiveness: the pathway to Prophetic Freedom. I challenged the conference to clear the way for prophetic worship by practicing Extravagant Forgiveness, Aggressive Forgiveness and Unrelenting forgiveness. This is one of the most fundamental and most commonly overlooked areas of the Christian life. I was challenged just in presenting it but the spirit of forgiveness flourished throughout the rest of the conference. It was ‘beautifully Jesus’.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you – Lewis B. Smedes

Then Pastor Marion Overall shared on Worship through the tests of life. She is a living epistle of persevering worship through great difficulties in her life. She led us all back to the posture of a true worshiper in the hard times of our lives, allowing God to use these circumstances to fulfill His purposes in us.

Pastor Mike Herron topped off the morning with a charge to ‘awaken your harp’ – your song, your city, your generation, your nation. Our praise, our song, our voice could be the tipping point for what God might do around us. He gave us story after story of God’s miraculous intervention for faithful worshipers around the world. God is still awakening the church!

In the evening, Pastor Portia Sumner sealed our hearts with the word of God as she walked us through the preparation for the King – giving our worst for His best; clearing away our rags of righteousness; giving up our right to be right; washing our hearts and minds with the water of the word – becoming fluent in the language of God. What a great release of the word in worship that night!

The third day of the conference was given to practical instruction in the art of worship: Musicians, singers, dancers and pastors. Skilled teachers releasing passionate worshipers in every room!

After the morning classes we had a great session of prophetic worship with a lot of dancing. The conference rented a cello for me so I got to play prophetically to my heart’s content (the bow lost a lot of hair that week!) One special moment was ministering over a special couple to us from Calgary Alberta Canada: Pastors Ron and Karen Leech. It was wonderful watching them being blessed by young and old around them in word after word. Their days are being renewed!

In the evening, we ended with more prophetic worship and a very strong prophetic flow with the presentation of the Commission above and then the sealing of the conference with the anointing of every person present by all the speakers and ministers. As they passed by, we anointed each person with oil and a quick prayer that deeply impacted them (some could barely move on, some went down, some danced with joy – a powerful time of the Holy Spirit). Giselle Bonilla ministered a song from her anointed, brand new CD: Once Again (get a copy today!)

After that, many more words were given and received but the highlight of the night was ministering to Pastors Danny and Giselle who have selflessly given themselves to this conference for years. We believe this is a year of reaping for all the years of sowing into so many lives. They physically, emotionally and financially give and give for the Kingdom and for the glory of God. While we ministered over them, everyone started stuffing money into their pockets – the blessing of the Lord makes rich! ‘Hosanna’ became the word for the night! We see many churches being started as Hosanna churches and many more regional prophetic worship conferences being started around the USA using this conference as a model! What a powerful end to a great conference.

There were so many poignant and significant moments throughout this week, and so many wonderful servants and ministries in attendance, I realize that I have just touched a small portion of the great things that God did among us! If you were there, feel free to add your stories to the narrative (see comments below)! To worship among friends is wonderful; to worship among anointed and skilled ministers of God is awesome (and humbling).

Along with a lot of wonderful pastors and worship pastors from many nations, it was great seeing some MFI pastor-friends there too: Pastor Mike Servello (Utica, NY), Pastor Mark Bryan – and his daughter Kari (Boise, ID) Karen Mears (Richland, WA) and Pastor Buddy Rattray with his two sons, Tim and Alex (San Antonio, TX). Thank you Hosanna Palm Beach Church for hearing the call, bearing the burden and continuing to host this great conference with excellence and anointing. Thank you Pastors Danny and Giselle for your faithfulness and vision. Thank you Jesus for changing us in Your Presence! The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy! Look for this conference next year on President’s Day Weekend in February 2012!

We love you all,

Your worship missionaries: Dr. Tim and Maryl Smith

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