In response to the latest ‘random acts of culture’ (which I love!) how about these random acts for Christmas: (and yes, I used a rhyming dictionary!)

  • random acts of agri-culture (planting trees while singing ‘O Christmas Tree’
  • random acts of cyber-culture (online Christmas caroling)
  • random acts of counterculture (no one shows up)
  • random acts of subculture (an all-bass choir singing the bass line to the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’)
  • random acts of architecture (building a snowman in your neighbors yard)
  • random acts of acupuncture (‘you better watch out’)
  • random acts of embouchure (gathering wind and brass instruments in freezing weather)
  • random acts of expenditure (Christmas shopping on Dec.24 or US government on any given day)
  • random acts of caricature (100 mimes in a mall)
  • random acts of enclosure (creating a circle around people so they cant escape and then singing carols to them)
  • random acts of foreclosure (Merry Christmas from your bank)
  • random acts of insecure (100 people singing the same song in a mall really softly)
  • random acts of literature (standing on a street corner reading Dicken’s ‘Christmas Carol’ with a cockney accent)
  • random acts of tablature (all your guitar-friends showing up at the mall for a Christmas jam session in the food court)


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