Friends & Fellow-worshipers,
Greetings from Aloha! We are so excited to begin another great year here at Worship Without Borders. Last year was so amazing:
- From China to Guatemala to British Columbia & all around the world, worship was released, God was magnified and hearts were changed! Thank you for your part in the ministry of the gospel everywhere!
- Maryl and I were honored to minister at the new Praise and Prophecy Conference at Eugene Christian Fellowship in Eugene. Ministering with Mike Herron, Ernest Gentile, Dr. Mark Strong and so many others was truly a highlight of the year for us!
- We also organized our first and very successful Life Change Worship Institute in Portland – a 12-week in-depth study and experience of worship for all ages. We had many guest speakers to broaden our perspective of worship – Paul Greenidge, Dr. Mark Strong, Lynn Mangum, Deborah Greenidge and Erick Hailstone all added their voice to wonderfully productive learning environment!
2013 is looking very promising with God opening up new nations, new ideas, new connections and new opportunities. We already have three nations lined up plus many other great opportunities (see our ministry calendar):
- February 2013: New Delhi & Lucknow, India – two worship seminars and a week at the International School of Worship
- March 2013: El Salvador – worship conference (our first time in El Salvador)
- June 2013: Guatemala – a national worship conference (our third time in 3 years!)
- Plus our second 12-week session for our Life Change Worship Institute in Portland, OR (Mar-May)
- Plus two worship conferences:
- Worship Northwest – Salem, OR Feb 23
- Praise and Prophecy Conference – Eugene, OR Feb 27-Mar 1
We are also in negotiations with many other nations throughout the year. We are praying for God’s direction and His provision for these great opportunities! We are excited to live out God’s progressive vision (Pr 29:18) in our lives. Thanks for standing with us!
- The Piano in Worship DVD/book continues to bless many nations (29 nations and 38 states) and is now in China and throughout Africa!
Transform your worship: Order your Piano in Worship DVD/book ($49.95 plus shipping!)
Maryl and I always want to extend our deep gratitude to the pastors, leaders and friends everywhere for supporting us during this vital time in our lives and in our ministry.
Please continue to pray and consider being an active part in transforming churches and nations with Worship Without Borders through an online donation or a monthly gift. We would also love to come to your local church and share on the great things God is doing around the world! Give us a call!
Today, we send you our prayers for a happy, safe, prosperous and adventurous new year in our Lord Jesus Christ!
in Him, your worship missionaries: Dr. Tim and Maryl Smith