Here is Bryan Bettis’ India Report:

Dear Friends & Family,
Just wanted to follow up with you all on my trip to India! As you know, I had the honor & privilege of going on an adventure of a lifetime this last month; ministering with one of my heroes of the faith, the one & only Dr. Tim Smith (Worship Without Borders).

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When I was 17, my parents somehow talked Pastor Tim into taking me on as a piano student during my senior year in High School. I remember playing his original songs & using his ‘worship bridges’ for hours on end that year; falling in love with Jesus & learning how to sing, play & truly worship simultaneously without even realizing it! The spiritual DNA he imparted in terms of the ‘flow in worship’, etc. have become an integral part of who I am as a worshiper today. I definitely consider him among the very few most inspirational & influential music ministry mentors I have ever had. In January, he invited me to India. And when God miraculously provided the funds needed to cover my expenses, Amy & I knew God had opened a door, so we walked through it. Tim & I traveled to 3 main areas in Northern India, ministering to several churches of the ‘Assembly of Believer’s Church’ movement (65,000 people in over 500 churches throughout the nation.), whose growth is largely in part to the faithful obedience & humility of an anointed farmer & his wife from Harrisburg, Oregon.

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Our first ministry opportunity came in the Nation’s capital – New Delhi. I was so blessed to be there & loved meeting & interacting with the people; hearing stories of Supernatural miracles & healings & provision that had taken place in that region. The other definite highlight of that weekend was playing piano alongside of Tim as he played Cello. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. The Holy Spirit surrounded us & flowed through us that weekend as we ministered the Love of God. Prodigals returned, leaders were strengthened, wounded were healed & the lost were found – ‘nuff said!

aatOn Sunday we flew to Lucknow, ministering that night at the Lucknow Bible College graduation to the students who will all be released into pastoral assignments this year. For the next week, I joined Tim as an honorary faculty member at the “A.B.C. International School of Worship” out at the Conference Center that is in its final phase of construction.

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While there, Pastor Tim released me to impart to the students what so many others have imparted into me over the last 20+ years in regards to Worship, Music, Ministry, Songwriting, Musicianship, & Servant-Leadership. We team-taught for about 6+hrs. each day & then had a worship experience with the students each evening. Simply a brilliant time spent with 20 “future legends” (as my pastor, Carl Lentz would say!)
Our final weekend was spent with Pastor Tony & his family in Lucknow, where A.B.C. is based. This man is living the definition of the Abundant & Supernatural life, like few men I’ve ever met. I had a chance to talk with him about his journey.
Here are a few highlights from my time with Pastor Tony:

Decades ago, He decided that instead of moving away to a different part of India, he would build a home in the ‘slum neighborhood’ he grew up in. Today, it is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in his city. At the beginning of his ministry in 1973, Pastor Tony got a specific ministry assignment from God; to pastor a church-planting church. “..The Holy Spirit told me, ‘I want you to raise up & release spiritual sons to start churches all over India.’ That’s when I realized, why would you teach your son to drive a motorcycle (moped) if you never plan on giving him a motorcycle to drive?’ ”
Today, staying faithful to his specific assignment, he has personally sent out 200 pastors & teams from his own church to plant churches. Each of those churches has the same churchplanting philosophy, and this church God started 40 years ago has now grown to over 65,000 people.
He told me that one of the best things in life is to see His spiritual sons released into the fullness of their calling; “it also makes birthdays much more exciting..”, winking at me as he laughed, “..With as many spiritual sons as I have, I will never have to buy a dress shirt or tie again as long as I live.”
Another thing about Pastor Tony that was very moving is that every year, he invites 12 future leaders into his home to live with him. All year. Every year. They eat with him, pray with him, serve with him, & minister with him. Finally, God has opened the door recently for Pastor Tony to preach the gospel every week to over 500 million people around the world through an international TV broadcast on Zee TV (the largest broadcast company in the world!) His focus is to reach the Muslim community with the gospel, which is why he preaches in Urdu, the primary ‘original language’ of the Muslim religion. Needless to say, spending time with Pastor Tony, his son Rocky & the rest of the family made me feel like I won some sort of spiritual lottery. Beyond inspiring!

Now back to Mark & Laurie! About 30 years ago, Mark & Laurie started coming at least once a year to India; sowing seeds of faith through creative practical methods, and watering the seed through hands on ministry & strategic vision implementation; God has been faithful to bring the growth! What an amazing testimony to what happens when you stick to the calling! Wow. Overall, I can definitely say India was a life-changing experience. One I for sure recommend to each & every one of you! So Again, we want to say a HUGE thank you again to all of you for your prayers & support during this trip. Much Love & Many Blessings!
Bryan, Amy, Zayah & un-named 2nd born (“baby sister”, for now)
Epiphany Ministries // Box 93 Bogota, NJ 07603 // // 503.348.6373

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