
We were totally honored to return to Elim Central Church in Guatemala City, Guatemala in November 2015 with friends, Pastor Hector and Marylin Nufio and their son Paul. This was our 4th time to minister in this great church and beautiful nation. We did get to visit Antigua and Cayala, beautiful cities close-by.


This year we got to minister more to the leadership of worship for a few days before ministering to the whole conference on Saturday. Starting Wednesday night, we taught about 200 worship leaders and inspired them for greater expectations in worship followed by a spirited Q&A. Thursday morning was a wonderful session with songwriters. I love teaching this especially since there isn’t a lot of teaching done in this area for the church. You could sense the lights coming on for enduring and significant songs being written for Guatemala! Thursday afternoon we traveled to Antigua and enjoyed the phenomenal view while eating on a hill overlooking the beautiful city.


Thursday night was a delight as I got to really work the musicians for Elim and others in a rehearsal. Though I only knew one of the three songs, I was able to make some strong points and instruct the team not only musically but spiritually too! Too often we default to just teaching music rather than worship to our instrumentalists! They seemed to really catch on as they sang while playing, keeping their heads up and even smiling! :) The whole look of the team changed during that session! Friday during the day we visited a nearby city, Cayala. Friday evening we enjoyed playing cello and flute with the worship and then I had the pleasure of preaching to this great congregation. It was also broadcast throughout Guatemala on the radio! I spoke on the Sacrificial Life of the Worshiper and the response was immediate and pervasive as we sang ‘Lord, I Give You my Heart’.


Saturday was the big day with about 250 worshipers and leaders from 6 different churches gathered together to grow in Christ and His presence. We had three session in the morning and each session started with a sweet time of worship. I loved the a capella moments especially. The first session I spoke on the Generational Intention in Worship. I reminded all of us that true worship is trans-generational and honoring to all generations. The spirit of Elijah turning hearts of the children to the fathers and fathers to their children. I had everyone stand up and the younger generation prayed for the older generation for awhile and then turned it around on them. Some great barriers were falling! The second session Pastor Paul Nufio spoke to the conference about the Life of a Worshiper, reminding us that change starts with us, not the congregation. The third session was on the Reason for Worship, where I challenged all of us to keep our eyes on Christ, His Holy Spirit and what He is doing among us in worship.

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That night, we had an explosive time of strong and prophetic worship, complete with prophetic words and new songs in abundance. When it was time to speak I stood up and started ministering to the musicians but was immediately interrupted by a ‘Happy Birthday to You’ and a cake coming down the aisle to me! They totally surprised and honored us with a beautiful cake and celebration of 9 great and fruitful years that started with my brother Pastor Wendell Smith in The City Church, Seattle, WA! Thank you Pastor Paul and all who were so thoughtful and willing to risk embarrassing me. :) That was the kindest gesture towards our ministry we have had in a long time and you did it just right. Then I went back to the musicians and had them stand up and delivered a strong and prophetic word to them concerning their destinies and their hearts toward Jesus and the world. Then I had the singers stand up and exhorted them against fear and intimidation. Be bold, sing your heart, revel in His love! Finally I had the worship leaders stand and talked about the demand on the anointing for each one of them. That it is time for the leaders to lead with boldness and confidence and assurance of God’s leading and anointing in their lives! We ended with a powerful time of worship and release for everyone.


Sunday was our last day in Guatemala. Maryl was asked to speak at the youth in the early morning youth service. Hundreds came out at 8:30am!!!! She spoke on her conversion and walk with God – it’s uniqueness and abandonment to Christ. It was powerful (especially the preaching to the cows!!) and the response was excellent. At the second service with the adults Maryl and I joined in the worship with cello and flute while Paul lead. It was so wonderful to flow with these fine musicians and singers. The anointing of God was very strong and sweet at the same time and we were able to join in easily throughout. What I love about Elim is their responsiveness throughout the worship time, people getting saved, healed, delivered constantly! Such an openness to the Holy Spirit there!  I spoke on the Sacrificial Life of a Covenant Believer – 1 Peter 2:5,9. Offering up spiritual sacrifices of praise, joy, thanksgiving and a broken and contrite heart! Laying our lives down for others is our ultimate sacrifice in life. Loving our neighbor as ourselves is probably one of the hardest things that Christ told us to do. And yet, there is the sacrifice! The sweet smelling savor before God. Many came forward to receive Christ and the rest opened their hearts to the possibilities of sacrifice that God is laying before us as we sang ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart’. Beautiful time and life-changing.


We flew home that night confident that God had directed our paths and continued His work in Guatemala through us. Thank you, Elim, Pastor Hector and Marylin, Pastor Paul and Katty, Pastor Juan, Pastor Claudio, OJ, Abraham, Alex, Marcos, Mocha, Alejandra, Ana Ruth and all the many many people who loved us and received us there. We love you all and look forward to more in the future. God’s grace is abundantly evident there, His love so unfailing and His presence ever with you.

in Him, Dr. Tim and Maryl Smith, your worship missionaries

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