Hi Friends, Maryl and I have returned from a wonderful time in Israel (our first time!). Maryl taught a midwifery conference in Tel Aviv while I took in Jerusalem. This was such a unique moment for us obviously designed by God! We were blessed to be hosted by a rabbi and his wife, both professors in two universities in Israel! Amazing and wonderful people who invited us into their home outside of Jerusalem. We were honored to share Shabbat with them Friday night and then go their synagogue where we witnessed the beautiful singing of the Psalms. Rabbi Noam also took me on a private tour of Jerusalem complete with the ultra-orthodox Jewish section and the Israel Museum (with the Dead Sea Scrolls where he read Isaiah 54 to me from the ancient Hebrew – powerful!)
We were able to spend a lot of time with Steve and Taffy Carpenter in Jerusalem and Haifa. Monday, Steve took me into the Old City (Jerusalem) and I was honored to pray at the Western (Wailing) Wall. As we took in the Old City, Steve was inspiring me with his insight into not only what historically was done in each place, but what was prophetically spoken over every area and how God is accomplishing His word in this great city. So stirring to hear and see it first-hand, especially from such a good friend in the heart of the holy land! He took me down into Hezekiah’s Tunnel – an amazing engineering feat for those days. It was like a Disney ride with water and thrills, only it was real! Every place was packed with significance – we visited Caiaphas’ House where Jesus was brought to be tried. We saw the steps he climbed to His fate that night. We went down into the dungeon prison and saw the hole they dropped Him into that small place awaiting more the next day. We saw the court where Peter denied Christ three times. Sobering.
That night I was honored to lead worship at a prayer house called Succat Hallel in Jerusalem that looks out over the valley to Mt. Zion, Mt. Moriah and the Mount of Olives. Each mountain was framed in windows at the house of prayer so you as you prayed you were looking out over three significant places (Mt. Zion – David; Mt Moriah – Abraham; Mount of Olives – Jesus!) We worshiped for a full hour looking out over this amazing and prophetic scene! It wonderfully kept the focus of our worship where it should be: on Jesus! Powerful!
We spent a couple of days up in Haifa and Galilee. We experienced true joyful and beautiful Messianic worship at the top of Mt. Carmel as they celebrated a great leader and pastor, David Davis who had just passed away that week! What an honor to witness the impact of this pioneer of faith in Israel! We then traveled over to Migdal that looks out over the Sea of Galilee! We stayed at a wonderful Christian retreat center (Beit Bracha) where we also had another prophetic time of worship with Christians from all over the world! One brother from the Netherlands, sang a beautiful tenor line over my shoulder as I led about 90 minutes of sweet worship from the piano with these sweet believers. Maryl joined on the flute and it was hard to stop. They asked me to share about Worship Without Borders so I told them our mission to teach and release worship around the world. Afterwards a man from Edinborough Scotland asked if I would consider coming to his church in Scotland and teaching on worship. We are in contact for that very real possibility. Praise God – Scotland!
That day we went down to Magdala to experience the synagogue where Mary Magdalene probably worshiped and Jesus taught often! Then we went over to Capernaum and saw Peter’s house excavated and a first century synagogue there. I got to go and dip my feet into the Sea of Galilee while the fish fed and jumped in front of me. Felt like God was putting on a show just for me. Ha!
So many incredible experiences over 10 days; we were deeply impacted by such an amazing land and its historical and prophetic significance. We will definitely be going back to see more and continue to be stirred for this ‘Sancta Terra’. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. We are so blessed in this season of our lives. In Him, Tim and Maryl