Greetings friends and fellow-worshipers, we hope that you are all healthy and safe and continuing to enjoy the presence of the living God wherever you are! Maryl and I are glad to have been fully vaccinated and staying busy as much as possible. Though 2020 presented many severe challenges, and we were not able to travel and minister as we would normally, we were able to find new avenues of ministry and to stay healthy and strong! – thank you Jesus!

Maryl continues to deliver a lot of babies as well as going to online school fulltime – working on Master’s Degree in Intercultural Studies at Sioux Falls Seminary (in conjunction with NAIITS) which will enhance our intercultural ministry! She’s amazing! I was honored to lead in-person worship at a local church for the first time in a year! I also played cello in 6 in-person services for Easter weekend – loved it! Now I am teaching many online students on cello, piano, guitar, voice and leading worship. In fact, I am now teaching a young lady from Turkey on the cello! What a thrill to be able to teach around the world while staying at home! Also, I am starting to mentor online a lot and even meeting with one young pastor here in person! God has been faithful to open doors of opportunity for us as well as time of reflection and rest (much needed). One very special moment was leading worship for a group of Malaysian Christians! I love technology when it promotes the gospel and connects us with the world!

We hope to be releasing videos soon of my seminars in Russian, Chinese and Spanish on this website, so be watching for that. I also hope to finish my book, Letting Jesus Sing, this year along with other shorter writings on worship. My desire has always been to equip and release worship around the world. So God has had to be creative with me! :) I love communicating with friends internationally and praying with them over issues they are facing. Like right now, we are in touch with our pastor-friends in India who are experiencing horrible conditions, sickness and even death at unprecedented rates! They tell me that four pastors have already died in this pandemic with many many more sick and in the hospital! Please be praying for them, for safety, health and encouragement to stand in the middle of this terrible tragedy! We are also praying for our friends in Israel during this volatile time. Pray for the ‘peace of Jerusalem’.

Through this whole pandemic season God has kept us healthy and active. Now we are looking forward to getting back to traveling and ministering in late summer or fall! We have quite a few nations lined up to get back to as soon as possible! And with the new guidelines we hope to be ministering more stateside soon! Be blessed and prosper in His presence! We love you all. Let us know if you certain areas that you would like prayer for and please be praying for us as we venture out in this fresh season of ministry and worship around the world!

in Him, Tim and Maryl

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