Maryl and I joined Pastor Gary Bittner and his wife Vonnie from Salem, for an incredible worshiping weekend at Bend Christian Fellowship, Pastors Dave and Kimi Miller and worship pastors Ben and Rachel Miller. From the opening song to the closing song, the spirit of worship was pervasive, consistent and powerful. Seldom do you see a whole church coming out and embracing the presence of Jesus like we saw on this weekend. Pastor Gary helped us all see God in a new and revealing light, thereby releasing us into a new freedom in our worship.

So many people were released in new songs and singing the Word of God, allowing their hearts to be expressed publicly, most for the first time! The song ‘Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Almighty’ was the song of the weekend as we sang it over and over with new revelation and great response from young and old.
We laughed and cried together as Jesus continued to reveal His true heart and delight over His church. And you should have heard their ‘new choir’ sing Saturday night and Sunday morning! Wow! They nailed the song ‘Doxology’ and carried the worship in a vibrant way!

We were honored to be in a place that not only hears, but responds to what God is calling them to do. God bless you all there at Bend Christian Fellowship. We look forward to coming back and seeing what God is doing among you soon.

Your worship missionaries,

Tim and Maryl Smith

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