Reintroducing the Hymn
In our constant search for the ‘new song’ let us never forget the ‘old-new’ songs that have passed the test of time, songs of faith passed down through generations, songs of theology and understanding that deserve a second look and maybe a makeover. Many hymns have never been heard or sung by this generation. They are all ‘new’ to them! Get a good hymnal and start the treasure hunt.
List of some common hymns
A Mighty Fortress
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Hail the Power
Be Thou My Vision
Before the Throne of God
Blessed Assurance
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Holy, Holy, Holy
How Firm a Foundation
How Great Thou Art
I Know Whom I Have Believed
I Stand Amazed
Immortal, Invisible, God only wise
Jesus Paid it All
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
My Jesus I Love Thee
Nothing but the Blood
O God Our Help in Ages Past
O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
O Worship the King
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Take My Life
The Solid Rock
‘Tis so Sweet
To God be the Glory
- Musician and theologian Michael Card believes that the contemporary worship movement has simply capitulated to cultural trends. “So many songs and choruses focus on me‚ and how I feel,” he says. “The great hymns focus on the Triune God and reinforce biblical themes in a way that has since been lost by the new musical verve.”
- The Origin of the Hymn
Hymns began as statements of theological truth. The Psalms are hymns. The texts found in Philippians 2:6-11 and II Timothy 2:11-13 are Christological hymns thought to have been sung during early Christian worship settings. The book of Revelation is filled with similar songs of the early church. As the church progressed into the fourth century, hymn writers found themselves engaged in the defense of orthodoxy as they battled heretics in something akin to a theological sing-off. Where the music captivated the listener, the theologically intricate lyrics communicated solid biblical truths. John R. Throop
- Current Hymn Refashioning
Currently, many Christian songwriters are rediscovering the great hymns of the past and reintroducing them to this generation.
A Mighty Fortress – Tommy Walker
All Creatures of our God and King –David Crowder
All Hail the Power – Point of Grace
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) Chris Tomlin
Be Thou My Vision – Tim Smith
Before the throne of God Above – Vikki Cook
Come Thou Fount – Mark Schultz
Doxology – David Crowder
Fairest Lord Jesus – Natalie Grant
Grace Like Rain (Amazing Grace) – Todd Agnew
Great is Thy Faithfulness – Lincoln Brewster
Here is Love – Matt Redman
Holy, Holy, Holy – Steven Curtis Chapman
I Surrender All – Brian Littrell
It is Well – Chris Tomlin
Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy) Chris Tomlin
Joyful, Joyful we adore Thee – Passion
Just as I Am – Nichole Nordeman
Love Lifted Me – Tim Smith
Nothing but the blood – Matt Redman
O God Our Help – Tommy Walker
O Worship the King – Passion
Praise to the Lord the Almighty – Christy Nockels
Rock of Ages – Chris Rice
Solid Rock – Passion
Take My Life and Let it be – Chris Tomlin
The Wonderful Cross – Chris Tomlin
There is a Fountain – Selah
Tis so Sweet – Casting Crowns
Trust and Obey – Big Daddy Weave
When I Survey (the Wondrous Cross) – Kathryn Scott
This is a healthy trend to be inclusive for all generations. Honoring the old, deepening the new.
Still others are taking the higher and harder route of crafting their own unique contemporary ‘hymns’:
All I Once Held Dear – Graham Kendrick
Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer – Margaret Becker and Keith Getty
In Christ Alone – Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Majesty – Matt Redman
My Savior, My God – Aaron Shust
Take me to the Cross – Dave Lubben
The Power of the Cross – Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
The Wonder of Your Cross – Robin Mark
This Kingdom – Geoff Bullock
Mix and match hymns according to the meter of the lyrics:
- Amazing grace
- Joy to the world
- O for a 1000 tongues
- Alas and did my Savior bleed
- Alleluia
- Doxology
- When I survey
- Just as I am
- Christ the Lord is ris’n
- Angels we have heard on high
- Jesus loves me
- Take my life
- What child is this
- My Savior’s love
- I surrender all
- What a wonderful savior
In our worship, we should strive to be as inclusive as possible especially in our usage of older songs that still have great meaning and purpose for us today. How we treat them, or arrange them, then becomes a paramount concern. Here are some possibilities: Blessed Assurance? 6/8 to ¾ time. Major to minor. Slow to fast.
Reintroducing the hymns:
- As-is – Sing ‘as-is’ with classic piano/organ instrumentation. Maybe fill-in some with strings and special instrumentation.
- New harmonic structure– Keep the melody intact, but work the harmonic structure (usually an older format)
- Doug Hanks thinks that a way to introduce hymns to contemporary seekers is not to rewrite the melodies, but to change the harmonies and arrangements. “Most hymns are actually arranged for choral settings or to be played on the organ as the main instrument. This makes it very difficult for guitarists to try and interpret.”
- It’s all in the arrangement, say worship leaders. Ron Ferlito, who has arranged dozens of hymns for contemporary use, says that it is important to determine what the function of the hymn will be in the service, whether for congregational singing or solo work. “If you intend to use the contemporary arrangement for congregational singing,” he says, “it would be advisable to keep at least the melody intact and true to the original.” Anyone familiar with the hymn will then be able to easily understand what is happening musically. Ferlito adds: “If you are modifying a hymn for use as a performance piece or on a recording, you can take greater liberties and really get creative as long as there are at least portions of the original melody to be found so that the listener can get their bearings.
- Use as a Special ministry song and arrange accordingly.
- Change the melody – Keep the chordal structure
- Change the tempo or meter
- Keep the lyrics but change everything else.
- Add your own bridge or tag
- Mix and match hymns according to the meter of the lyrics
- Match hymns with choruses of like theme and feel
- Hymn Stories
If necessary, explain the hymn, share some thoughts to make it more meaningful. Maybe give a background of the hymn or the writer. Make it personal if possible. Note key words or phrases in the song. Maybe create your own bridge with those key words or phrases out of the chord progression being used.