aaaEl Salvador is the ‘Republic of the Savior’! I was privileged to join a team from Canada for a wonderful week of ministry in Metapan, El Salvador abz(northern El Salvador). Pastor Roy Rubuliak, from Abbotsford Christian Assembly, Abbotsford, BC Canada, asked me to minister at a Worship Conference there along with his team of Francisco Galdamez (our translator) and Zane Erickson (also from ACA). This conference was months in the making and God really opened the door of opportunity for many churches, pastors and worship teams from the area to be impacted.


We flew into San Salvador Wednesday night, March 20 and drove to Metapan (about 1 1/2 hr) to get ready for these next few days of intense ministry. After a good sleep and walking through the town, we went to the local Mennonite Church for our first night of ministry. Their worship team was amazing with a tight sound and beautiful sensitivity and release in worship. We found out the leader of the team, Hiram, is a music teacher who taught everyone on the worship team. He has done an excellent job not only in performance but in developing a heart of worship in each member. After a wonderful session of worship they introduced us and I lead a couple of songs in Spanish (Our God and Revelation Song) and after an exhortation on heavenly worship proceeded to create a new song that dovetailed with ‘Our God’. Powerful time of prophetic worship! Then Pastor Roy preached like I’ve never seen him preach before! I think a fire was stirred in this great man of God! We ended with an altar call for commitment and renewal to Jesus. Great response!



Friday was the beginning of the Worship Conference out at the conference grounds for Vida Real (Pastor Ananias). This facility reminds me of the campground facilities I used to attend as a teenager. With a thatched roof and open sides it was thrilling to worship and teach in this open air environment. Every day topped 90 degrees with high humidity – we didn’t have air-conditioning but fans helped some. Friday morning was mostly pastors and leaders as we taught on the Vision of Worship.  I love seeing the lights come on as they realize what God desires to do in our worship – way beyond singing great songs! Btw, walking in to the building for the first time, I couldn’t help but notice the big banner at the front: ‘Jesus Es____’ which of course is the movement going around the world started by my nephew Pastor Judah Smith at The City Church in Seattle, WA – it’s everywhere!


In the evening the facility was packed, mostly with youth. The local band here was again top notch, as they have been well-trained and spiritually in-tune. They lead a couple of songs and then I lead a few more as we all entered His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. I love singing in Spanish, so every song was in their language (though sometimes I would start in English). How Great is Our God is powerful in Spanish so we sort of ‘parked’ there while God started ministering His power and love to the congregation. Again, they were so receptive that it made it easy to minister. By the way, as I would sing spontaneously over the group, my translator, Francisco, would sing the translation with a similar tune (not an easy task).

Then I shared the word that night starting with Eph. 5:19 and talking about our spiritual worship being filled with the Spirit and the Word. Then I shared with them concerning the OT word for worship: Shachah – what I call the ‘Wow of Worship’ and then the NT word: Proskuneo – the ‘Kiss of Worship’ and led them into a wonderful time of worshiping Jesus, bowing and confessing His greatness, beauty and love for us. In the middle of all this I inhaled a bug and illustrated being filled with the Spirit by downing a whole bottle of water in front of them (ostensibly to clear the bug out of my throat!) :) Whatever it takes, eh? Great opening night for the conference!


Saturday morning and afternoon we completed the conference in 3 main sessions:

  1. Leading the flow of worship (a study of David, Asaph and Cheneniah)
  2. Worship Team in the Flow (practical applications and practice for flowing worship – complete with hands-on instruction)
  3. Releasing the New Song in Worship (with exercises for each person to sing their own ‘new song’ to the Lord – powerful release for all the attendees)

The final moment of the afternoon was delightful as I asked for three volunteers to intercede in song for El Salvador, Metapan and the churches. One of them, a young lady, sang passionately for over 5 minutes.  Because of the heat it was difficult to keep going in the afternoon (we went to 3pm in the heat of the day) but they were steadfast and worshiped with all their hearts. In the evening the team was blessed to be able to go to a local Christian businessman’s house for a short dip in his pool.


Sunday started in great style at Elim International Church with Pastor Roberto. The Pastor lead with his sons accompanying him during the worship. Great voice and great flow. Then we were honored to lead some worship along with some prophetic words and exhortations from Zane and a powerful sermon from Pastor Roy again! (He’s getting good!) Again a great response from the people at the end as we sang ‘Hoy Te Rindo Mi Ser’ (Lord I give you my Heart).


Sunday night was the grand finale of our time their and God did not disappoint! We actually started at 4pm since many needed to catch buses so we cant go too late plus the mosquitoes apparently show up in droves around 8pm! I think they call it the ‘glory cloud’! :) This was the regular service for Vida Real, again with probably 80% youth and the place was packed with standing room only! (in fact, I heard many had come to use the pool on the campgrounds, heard the music and ended up joining us for the rest of the evening!) From the opening song you could sense that God was up to something. The Vida Real team did such an excellent job in releasing worship that no one wanted it to stop, including me! But when I came up to lead, the worship soared once again and it seemed like God took over as we all enjoyed His presence. We started with a slow rendition of ‘King of Majesty’ – the section that says: ‘Jesus, you are the savior of my soul’ which in Spanish is: ‘Christo eres el Salvador de mi ser’. I reflected on how cool it is that their country is right in the middle of one of the best known songs around the world. It made this song come alive once again to them. God does this in songs around the world. Making them personal, impactive and stirring all over again. It is amazing to flow in worship through another language. It becomes almost effortless and takes it away from being just a mental exercise of words into worshiping in the Spirit.


After the worship, I ministered on 1 Pet 2:9, focusing on our part of ‘proclaiming the praises’ and led them quickly into celebrating the victory we have in Jesus Christ (a la the Song of Moses Ex.15 – victory of the Egyptians [limitations]). I had them write down their past limitations, weaknesses, sins, etc. and then we threw them down on the ground as I led them in a holy dance and ‘stomp’ of victory over all the enemy had enslaved us with. Powerful time of celebration! Then we looked at 2 Chr. 20:21, the song of the singers going out to face their enemy (certain death) with just a song of praise on their lips. I had them write down their fears and worries for tomorrow. Many didnt have paper so we started tearing up paper so everybody could have a piece, and then we discovered many had no pens or pencils :) so I had them ‘put’ it on the paper in their minds. Then we sang ‘Trading my sorrows’ and proceeded to trade our papers over and over again. At first, it was chaos, and that turned to joy and delight as they started sensing their fears were leaving. We kept singing ‘Si Senor, si si Senor!’ ending with throwing it all in the air with a great shout. Then I asked them to try to find their ‘sorrows and troubles’! They couldn’t of course because they lost track of them and they are now on the ground everywhere (what a mess – i apologize to the janitors). A great night of declaration and proclamation of Jesus’ work in all of our lives. We ended with ‘Cuan Grande es Dios’ (How Great is our God) and it felt like the roof would blow off with the vocal strength in that place! Power-ful! We believe God has left a strong deposit of faith-filled worship in these many churches in Metapan. We hope to go back in the future to build on the foundation God has laid this week!


And for those who were wondering, yes we had one day to go up to the volcanos (Cerro Verde and Izalco), see the sights, and swim the crater lake (Lake Coatepeque) there! Wow – such beauty all around. Truly  ‘Christo eres El Salvador‘ (“The Savior”)


Btw, on our final night in El Salvador, we had the great privilege of praying and ministering over a few pastors in leaders personally. It was a powerfully prophetic time as we ministered God’s love and heart for them in their ministries and churches.

We love you all. Thank you for your prayers and support as we go into all the world!
in Him, Dr. Tim and Maryl Smith, your worship missionaries

aeaPastor Roy Rubuiak-Abbotsford Christian Assembly, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Thank you Tim, for such an awesome and memorable experience in Metapan, El Salvador. As you taught and shared in our “Worship the King” seminar, truly the presence of God came and the people experienced God in new ways. Comments such as these indicated how effective your ministry was:

“We received in a very different way and are happy and satisfied”.

“We have never seen it that way before”.

“People understood it”.

“Excellent, really good”.

I personally was refreshed and rejuvenated in the presence of the Lord that descended as you flowed in such anointed and prophetic worship. The Body of Christ globally needs to hear this message on the Biblical, timeless principles of scriptural praise and worship. These, when applied, will cause the sovereign presence of God to be evident in a service, individual lives daily and release people to flow in liberty and the gifts of the Spirit.


Pastors, do you want to see praise and worship elevated to new heights in your Sunday service? Do you want to have your congregation ushered into the “throne zone” of the Lord? Do you want to see an increase in the supernatural presence of God and the gifts of the Spirit more evident? Then I highly recommend the ministry of Pastor Tim Smith unreservedly! He is a man filled with the Holy Spirit, gifted and anointed by God, called for such a time as this for the body of Christ. His biblical knowledge and insights in regards to praise and worship spiritually, technically and practically will inspire and enhance your worship team’s ability to lead your church to the mountaintop experience of God’s presence. His love for the sovereign presence of the Lord guides him to work with worship teams on the spiritual, technical and practical principles that are timeless for every generation regardless of music and styles. These will help move a congregation into the “high praises” of God and see the prophetic song and new song released. His skilfulness upon the instruments provides incredible opportunity to demonstrate to musicians and singers the most effective way to inspire people to engage in praise and worship.  

lake7Francisco Galdamez-Abbotsford Christian Assembly, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

What a priviledge  and honor was to be part in the seminar held in Metapán, El Salvador by Dr. Tim Smith as his translator and see how this kind of praise and worship that he teaches moves you in to the presence of God for this is the sole purpose when we gather corporately and as individually. Such a ministry is lost in many congregations for the lack of teaching and what a blessing it is to have a servant of God like Dr. Smith teaching and equiping leaders in such an important ministry in the Churches today, it is a true blessing to have.
wilberWilber Estrada Elias Lemus, Secretary of the Fellowship of Pastors, Metapan, El Salvador

Hermano Tim Smith, Dios lo bendiga.Fue una gran honor y placer conocerlo y conocer su ministerio que de parte de Dios esta bendiciendo a muchas personas al rededor del mundo, gracias por compartir su tiempo y sus enseñanzas con nosotros y deseamos como Fraternidad de Pastores de Metapan, que usted y su familia sea mas bendecida por la mano de nuestro Dios todopoderoso y que nuestra adoracion sea para nuestro Señor Jesus.Le envio unas fotos y videos del Seminario de Alabanza y Adoracion 2013 en Metapan, El SalvadorBendiciones.

Brother Tim Smith, God bless him.It was a great honor and pleasure to meet and know his ministry from God is blessing to many people around the world, thanks for sharing your time and teachings with us and we want as Metapan Pastors Fellowship, you and your family be more blessed by the hand of almighty God and our worship to our Lord Jesus.I send some pictures and videos of Praise and Worship Seminar 2013 in Metapan, El Salvador Blessings.

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