‘We hosted a Tim Smith Worship Seminar on Saturday October 18, 2008. It was fabulous! It was a wonderful time of learning and refreshing: our choir and worship team were inspired and drawn closer to Jesus. Tim’s incredibly anointed worship leading, songwriting, prophetic flow, and teaching will bless your church. Tim’s depth of experience as a seasoned worship pastor and his rich academic background qualify him to speak to the issues that are critical to developing a worship ministry. He does it all with a heart of humility and grace. I highly endorse Tim and Maryl Smith and Worship Without Borders.’  – Dan Gardner, Worship Pastor, Zion Christian Church, Troy, MI

Maryl and I were privileged to lead a worship seminar and preach at one of the great worshiping churches in America, Zion Christian Church in Troy, Michigan just outside of Detroit. Worship Pastor Dan Gardner has lead the worship ministry and the church there ‘through many dangers toils and snares’ over the past few decades with great integrity and humility. This church set a standard of quality worship and service back in the ’80s that has stayed with me ever since. Now we get to see some of the fruit of faithfulness, as over 1200 worshipers freely lift their hands and express their love and gratitude to a living Christ in this wonderful church. Praise God for faithful men and women who don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t walk away but persevere and keep on trusting in a loving, forgiving and victorious Savior and King.

We shared the vision of worship with the whole worship arts ministry on Saturday and had a wonderful time of worship and the Word for hours together. I so appreciated their eager spirits and open hearts in every regard. We heard some pretty amazing things afterward on how God spoke to them during the teaching. This is a very missions-minded church so we were able to really connect at a missions level for what God is doing and wants to do around the world in His Church.

On Sunday, Dan lead the worship time and I was pretty blown away first by his voice (it sounds the same as it did 20 years ago – i miss his voice!), the incredible worship team absolutely glowing with the presence of Jesus and the huge choir that added that powerful vocal touch to the whole morning. They flowed so easily and effortlessly from song to song with moments of reflection allowing for personal expression at times. Some songs w

ere so powerful as we sang ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ over and over to the King. What a delight to be in the middle of adoring worshipers and just lose yourself in His love.

zion2I shared in both services on the Song of Faith that is arising in the church once again. Everyone singing and believing in the One we worship and adore. Songs full of words of passion and truth that are changing lives and generations. They seemed to really respond to everything I preached. I believe this is the season, with economic upheaval, social unrest and persecution around the world, for the church to arise and sing songs of faith and deliverance. Right in the face of discouragement and distress, this is the moment for the church to shine and see Jesus move on their behalf in every household, every church, every nation around the world.

To watch this church (Detroit has been depressed economically for 3 years) come through such trying times especially of late, but still worshiping and believing is a great testimony to the grace and power of a living God – Who dwells among us! God bless you, Zion – Out of Zion, the perfection of Beauty, God shines forth. Psalm 50:2

In Him,

Tim and Maryl Smith

Your worship missionaries

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