2019 has been such an amazing and fulfilling year! We started out in the Moldova and India but have done extensive ministry in the US since then and ended the year with Romania and a lot of Christmas ministry in December!

We ministered in the US at many local churches:

  • Destiny Christian Fellowship, Gladstone, OR;
  • Imago Dei, Portland, OR;
  • Scappoose Foursquare, Scappoose, OR;
  • Epikos Church, Bend, OR;
  • New and Living Way Church, Longview, WA
  • Evergreen Christian Center, Hillsboro, OR
  • Living Waters Fellowship, Tillamook, OR
  • Covenant Christian Community Church, The Dalles, OR
  • New Horizons Church, McMinnville, OR
  • Life Bible Church, Harrisburg, OR
  • as well as a wonderful local conference, Worship Northwest in Salem, OR.

We ministered in many churches throughout December, sometimes just instrumentally but also privileged to take whole services where we were given the opportunity to lead worship, special music and preach on the Christmas theme. I call it ‘The Thrill of Hope’ I love Christmas because it gives us an opportunity to focus in on Jesus and His Hope that has come. I especially love singing the carols and telling the stories as well as singing them prophetically over the church. Pretty powerful times!

We have been so blessed to know and minister and worship with so many wonderful and amazing people around this area and the world! Thank you for your prayers and support and encouragement! Your investment in worship around the world is paying off! We continue by the grace of God, His calling on our lives, and the many friends who pray and love on us so much! Blessings in the days to come! And Happy 2020!!!

Tim and Maryl Smith, your worship missionaries

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